Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Remove Boxes in Docx files after editing in Google Docs

Google recently introduced improved editing of DOCX or Microsoft Word Document 2007 files. Previously DOCX documents could be edited but need to be saved as Google Doc files or later exported to another format.If it did open DOCX files, the level of compatibility would be roughly equivalent to Libre Office opening a DOCX file.
But recently Google has improved this and made it so that DOCX documents could be saved in the same format. This makes it possible to edit Word files on Android devices without having to use the Microsoft Word Android app. The Word app famously wanted an upgrade to Office365 before it could connect to Google drive in the past. It's possible now but it's a hit or miss affair. It was fine connecting to Dropbox or and doing it without the upgrade.
But this improvement hasn't been without a cost. DOCX documents saved in Google Docs end up with a Control Box around every paragraph. This first time it happened, it sucked out whatever joy there was of being able to save to DOCX in Google Docs. It was even quite clear what the box around the paragraph was.
But getting rid of it is simple. Select All text and using Ctrl-A.  Then Right-Click on the selected text and from the menu choose "Remove Content Control". The boxes should be removed.
This is a pain when editing and sharing DOCX over Google Drive with someone who is using Microsoft Word to edit the file.
Google Docs get updated from time to time without much fanfare. Hope this will be fixed soon.